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Communicating Effectively $19.95
APPA Accredited Courses

Communicating Effectively

Good communication can be challenging because of the many distractors in today’s workplace, such as technology, stress, and multitasking. If communication is weak, it can lead to poor work relationships and decreased satisfaction for everyone. It is essential for you to learn how to communicate effectively with everyone you come into contact with. This course discusses how to communicate clearly, concisely, and professionally.

ITEM: #1428716
  • Association of Nutrition and Foodservice Professionals

    This program is approved for 0.2500 hours by the Dietary Managers Association. Approval code 168781.

  • Florida Board of Nursing - Certified Nursing Assistants
    CE Broker 24 Hours Badge

    This is not an accredited course for professional license renewal. Florida CNAs may use this inservice toward meeting their annual inservice requirement.

    This activity is approved for 0.5000 contact hours.
  • National Alliance for Direct Support Professionals
    This activity is approved for 0.2500 contact hours.
  • Texas Health and Human Services Commission
    Texas HHSC has determined that Relias' submitted training meets or exceeds the minimum standards for HCSSA administrator training in the following categories: Licensed Home Health, Licensed and Certified Home Health, Personal Assistance Services, Hospice. Texas HHSC also recognizes Relias provides continuing education for administrators and alternate administrators. This activity is approved for 0.2500 contact hours.
  • Washington State Department of Social and Health Services (ALL Direct Care Workers)
    Relias Learning, LLC is approved as a Curriculum Developer by the Washington State Department of Social and Health Services. This activity is approved for 0.2500 contact hours for all WA State Direct Care Workers. Training Provider Code: WA0624. CE Approval Code: CO2337027
Communicating Effectively
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