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A Behavioral Approach to Toilet Training People with IDD $60.00
ABA Professional Webinars

A Behavioral Approach to Toilet Training People with IDD

Independent toileting is delayed in many children with autism or intellectual disabilities. A delay in this critical life skill can result in problems in social relationships and least restrictive school placements. This course will address research-based practices related to toilet training children with autism and intellectual disabilities.

The goal of this course is to provide behavior analysis professionals in clinical practice information on research-based methods to use when toilet training children with autism and other developmental disabilities. 

This training program is offered independent of the Behavior Analysis Certification Board® (BACB®).

ITEM: #1478175
  • Behavior Analyst Certification Board
    ACE Behavior Analyst Certification Board Logo

    This course is designed to meet CE requirements as outlined by the BACB.

    CEU Type: Learning
A Behavioral Approach to Toilet Training People with IDD
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