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Communication and Conflict Management for Children's Services Paraprofessionals $20.00

Communication and Conflict Management for Children's Services Paraprofessionals

Babies and children learn about their world and relationships through discovery and interactions with adults. Talking, listening, and playing with children are the most formative experiences we can provide them. Communicating effectively with babies and children is not easy. However, your role in working with children and their families is important. You are one of their models for how to communicate successfully with others. You can teach them the skills needed for social competency, conflict resolution, anger management, problem solving, and good decision making.This course focuses on considerations of effective communication, communication skills specific to children, and barriers to communication. This course does not address de-escalation and non-physical interventions. Please view other courses that address these topics.The goal of this course is to provide paraprofessionals and direct support professionals in health and human service settings with information on ways to communicate with children based on children’s level of development.
ITEM: #1325967
  • National Alliance for Direct Support Professionals
    This activity is approved for 1.0000 contact hours.
  • North Carolina Division of Child Development and Early Education
    This course is approved by the North Carolina Division of Child Development and Early Education.
  • Pennsylvania Quality Assurance System
    Enter your Registry ID in the License Number area to ensure credits are updated in the PD Registry.
Communication and Conflict Management for Children
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