Course Code: REL-IDD-0-IHR-V3
Hours: 2
Type: Online Course
Content Expiration Date: 12/31/2050
Learning Objectives:
Define basic civil, legal, human, and property rights, and rights to protection, specifically human rights issues, for people with developmental disabilities
Demonstrate knowledge regarding the challenge between balancing keeping people safe, supporting individual decision-making, teaching people to access their community, ensuring protection of individual rights, advocacy, and the dignity of being able to take risks.
Develop clear understanding of the roles of Human Rights Committees, behavior management committees, guardians, and treatment planning committees in the protection of the rights of persons with disabilities.
Define the Confidentiality Act, DMHDD Code, DHS regulations, and relevant state laws and identify the DSP’s role in supporting those regulations.
Section 1: Introduction A. About This Course B. Learning Objectives Section 2: The Evolution of Human Rights A. Introduction: An important word from Self-Advocates B. Meet Glen C. Rights Guaranteed to Persons with Disabilities D. Areas of Protection E. About the Illinois Division of Developmental Disabilities F. CILA G. The Evolution of Human Rights for People with Developmental Disabilities H. How the DSP’s Role has Changed I. Rules and Codes J. Review K. Summary Section 3: The Role of an Advocate A. What is an Advocate? B. The Right to Dignity and Respect through Positive Interactions C. Sample Empowerment Worksheet D. The Right to Intimacy E. The Right to Privacy F. Access to Communication Devices and Telephone G. The Right to Freedom of Movement H. The Right to Free Association I. Cultural Competency and Client Rights Information J. Discussion Activity: Client Rights, Cultural Competency, and Staff/Agency Responsibilities K. The Choice-Making Process and Personal Freedoms L. Review M. Summary Section 4: Guardianship A. Guardianship Papers B. Duties of a Guardian C. Types of Guardianships D. Review E. Summary Section 5: Behavior Management Committees (BMC) and Human Rights Committees (HRC) A. What is a Behavior Management Committee (BMC)? B. What is a Human Rights Committee (HRC)? C. Issues that the HRC Faces D. BMC and HRC Role Related to Behavior Treatment Plans E. The Violation of Human Rights- Scenarios for Discussion F. Review G. Summary Section 6: Conclusion A. Summary B. Course Contributors C. Resources D. References E. Congratulations! F. Exam G. BrainSparks
Expert Reviewer: Gigi Dillon, PhD, MA
Gigi Dillon, Ph.D., M.A. is an editor and content writer at Relias Learning, as well as the lead writer in the Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities library. She has extensive experience in adult learning and instructional design, in addition to 10 years as a translator and editor for diverse cultural and scholarly institutions in Germany.
Staff Writer: Adam Roesner, BSN
Adam Roesner, BSN has been working with various quality measures optimization since 2013. His experience in program management in both clinical and performance measures allows a unique perspective on the challenge faced by healthcare systems today. Adam has presented trainings on HCAHPS programs for sales forces and executive leadership alike, and has managed various skin health and HCAHPS educational programs and bundles for acute, post-acute, and IDN facilities.
Target Audience:
The target audience for this course is: Direct Support Professionals (DSP); in the following settings: Behavioral Health and Intellectual Developmental Disability, Intellectual Developmental Disabiilties: Home and Community-Based Services, Intellectual Developmental Disabilities: Agency.
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Course Delivery Method and Format
Asynchronous Distance Learning with interactivity which includes quizzes with questions/answers, and posttests.