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Overview of Medicaid and Medicare $15.00
Advanced Skills in IDD Services

Overview of Medicaid and Medicare

Medicaid and Medicare are major resources many people with IDD use to fund services and healthcare. Qualified professionals (QPs) must often interact with these systems to coordinate care for the people they support.

In this course, you will learn about the basic organization of the Medicaid and Medicare systems and what types of services they provide. You will also learn how eligibility affects the people you support and how compliance with program requirements affects you and your organization.

The goal of this course is to provide qualified professionals in IDD services with an overview of the Medicaid and Medicare systems.

ITEM: #1149075
  • National Academy of Certified Care Managers

    Relias,LLC is approved by the National Academy of Certified Care Managers (NACCM) as a continuing education provider, #18-502RA. This activity approved for 1.0000 CMC contact hours
  • National Alliance for Direct Support Professionals
    This activity is approved for 1.0000 contact hours.
Overview of Medicaid and Medicare
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